Exhibition Venue
St. Petersburg, Peterburgskoye shosse, 64/1
How to get by car

GPS: 59.76351, 30.35746

Directions :

  • Turn left to the tunnel from Pulkovskoye highway to Petersburgskoye shosse, in the direction of Pushkin
  • Then move ahead 2,5 km until a few meters before the traffic lights
  • Then turn right, to EXPOFORUM territory
Public transportation:

Free shuttle buses During the events at Expoforum only From "Moskovskaya" Metro (underground) station

Public transport stop at Moskovsky prospekt, 197
From 09:30 to 19:00, every 15-20 minutes

Public transportation:

From "Moskovskaya" Metro (underground) station
Bus #187a
Only during the events at the Expoforum
From 08:30 till 19:40, every 15 minutes
Fare: 28 RUR per person per ride

Bus #187. Fixed-route taxi #K-545, #K-299
Destination stop: Peterburgskoe shosse, 7 minutes on foot to the Expoforum