Chains' Wholesale Centre™ of the
North-Western region
You prepare in advance on your own or with our assistance, it is also possible to involve an industry expert.
You get the list of the retail chains which might be interested in your products.
How does the Chains' Wholesale Centre™ work
At the appointed time you sit down at the negotiation table of the retail chain you are interested in and discuss terms of the supply agreement.
You make an appointment with the representative of the retail chain (from the list) you are interested in.
Go into the food business or expand deliveries to the food market of St. Petersburg and the North-West of Russia
Get results
By participating in the Chains' Wholesale Centre™, you receive
More than 200 manufacturers and 100 purchasers from 40 retail chains annually conduct more than
4500 negotiations at the Chains' Wholesale Centre™ of the North-Western region of Russia.
40 supply negotiations with retail chains in single day at the same hall.
Stop wasting time on searching purchasers' contacts, making agreements and organizing business trips!
Improve the efficiency of working with chains by several times!
Usually the manager can negotiate with 20 chains in a month at most, spending a lot of time for each meeting. On the contrary you may cover the same amount of negotiations or even more in single day at the Chains' Wholesale Centre™.
How does the Chains' Wholesale Centre™ work:
A list of retail chains which might be interested in your products is sent to you.
You make an appointment at specific time with the retail chain (from the list) you would like to negotiate with.
At the appointed time you sit down at the negotiation table of the retail chain you are interested in and discuss terms of the supply agreement.
In 2 days you may conduct up to 40-60 negotiations with more than 100 purchasers from 40 chains.
Preliminary retail chains list:
See food suppliers' and retail chains' representatives' feedback:
Chains' Wholesale Centre™ of the North-Western region of Russia